Step 1 Registration
If you already have account and password used for submitting your abstract or paper, please directly click the icon [Sign In] to get in the Registration system by using your current account and password. Otherwise, you need to click on the [Create Account] button to get an account and password.
Sign In Create Account
Step 2 Payment
For each paper/abstract, at least one author must pay the registration fee. Because many authors submitted their papers in May, they need time to apply for the financial support from their institutions or governments. Therefore, the deadline for the early bird registration fee is extended to June 30. Please see the following table:
Early Bird
before June 30, 2015 |
After June 30, 2015 |
Regular Author Registration Fee |
US$ 380 |
US$ 450 |
Student Author Registration Fee |
US$ 330 |
US$ 400 |
Non-Author Registration Fee |
US$ 300 |
US$ 370 |
The secure online payment system is setup by co-working with All Pay (a third-party payment company), All conference participants must pay the registration fee by clicking on the following icon.
Online Payment